September 20, 2013
5 1/2 months
So I guess if you start a blog you're supposed to keep it updated...oops. Anyone who knows me well is not surprised by this :) However, I am disappointed I haven't been more diligent. So here's all kinds of updates on our sweet girl!
On June 14th Brynn got a feeding tube. At the time, it was so scary. Knowing full well this was what she needed because she just was not gaining any weight, it still made my heart weep to watch my teeny baby have a tube put down her nose/throat/tummy. This pic was moments after we got home.
Then this showed up on my doorstep....
Pump for feeding tube.
Bags to fill with formula to be connected to pump, which is connected to her NG tube
Various supplies (tape, stethescope, syringes, adhesive remover pads)
Formula and Duocal (supplement)
Within 2 days I had it down! Brynn was responding well and a week later she gained 5 ounces! HUGE for her! She had barely gained 5 ounces in 10 weeks, and here she was chubbing up! Since then she has steadily gained enough to move her out of "fail to thrive" status.
Hooked up to her machine.
HA! This says 15 milliliters/hour and she is now up to 38 mL/hour...what a CHAMP!
I've had many questions/comments like:
"I could never handle anything like that[feeding tube, heart defect, doctor visits]."
My response? Yes you could. This is my tiny baby who needs me to be my best for her. This is nothing compared to what some parents go through. It's actually been relieving to know that she is getting the nutrients she needs rather than counting every milliliter going in hoping that today your baby is getting enough to gain the tiniest amount of weight. Of course this is far from ideal, but it's what she needs. If you were in this position you could handle because it is your flesh and blood, and you have to. Plus, God helps me handle it all :)
"How do you do it?"
My response? I don't, God does. I just hope I'm seeing the bigger plan He has. Not to mention, Brynn is a fantastic baby. I don't just mean good, I mean, has slept through the night since birth, loves her car seat, sleeps through 12 hour car rides, is very independent, and can fall asleep on her own. She absolutely rocks. SO, I guess I don't know how YOU do it. How you get up all night, deal with colic or a screaming baby in a car. Brynn may have medical issues that seem scary, but she is a dream of a baby. I do it because she makes it all so easy :) [This is not a corny mommy rant, nor is it bragging. It's just who Brynn God made her]
Since then she has made progress and hit normal infant milestones. Smiling has been the greatest. Watching your baby smile does something magical to you. It's like your whole life is defined in that smile. The feeling is indescribable. It's the most pure and innocent elation I have ever experienced. Thank you Brynn Laree for giving me that gift.
She had a wonderful summer full of meeting aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends
How blessed is our girl to have such wonderful friends and family in her life!
Another big change for us has been (half) moving to McHenry. It was a tough decision, but the best one for our little family at this time. After Brynn's surgery, in PA, we will become official residents of Illinois. We do not know how long it will be for, but we know everyone on my side of the family is THRILLED to have Brynn so close :)
Uncle Matty likes having Brynn around to style her hair...very "Flock of Seagulls"...Nice.
And her facial expressions are as AWESOME as ever
To sum up, Brynn is awesome. God is good. We have joy in our hearts. Stay tuned.....
Peace, love, and drink your milk
~Brynn Laree~
"You know you're gold, you don't gotta worry none"
'Zebra' by BeachHouse