October 2, 2013
6 months!!!
Day 8 in the hospital
Yep, our tiny Brynn Laree is 6 months old today!! And I do mean tiny, she is 11 pounds 5 ounces at last weigh in. Besides mamas with preemies or heart conditions, that's about the size of a 2-3 month old. Not for long though, we hope she starts packing on the LB's in the coming months :)
So, to catch you all up I'll start from day 2 (9/27)...
Brynn was doing well. She woke up a bit, but was not in the highest spirits. She was raspy from having the breathing tube out, which was strange to hear her already tiny voice even smaller. She was kicking around, crying overall seeming uncomfortable. She continued to be sedated, but fought it like crazy. Down Syndrome babies are famous for "eating" through their medication. Babies with Downs have a higher metabolism that can "burn off" the sedation drugs quicker than other kiddos. So Brynn woke up a few times not in the greatest of moods. Luckily her nurses are completely awesome and explained everything to us and took phenomenal care of our girl. They definitely are what keep hospitals running and what keeps families happy.
So, here's a pic of Brynn with her nasal canula hat holding her breathing tubes (also a little pink zebra gift from Auntie Em :)
....Brynn's gifts from Aunts Margaret and Emily, Uncle Aaron and cousins Jaksen and Jett
...And her dolly from Gramma that looks just like her, surgery scar and all
Day 3 (9/27) she was awake on and off, even took some pedialyte from a bottle :) I was so happy to have regular mommy duties again!
Here are some pics of her bandages, lines in and out and machines she was hooked up to.
Locked IV in her hands that were used after central line was out.
blue/red line is her chest tube. That drained blood/other stuff from
her chest after the surgery. That was a huge reason we were unable to
pick her up :(
Day 4 (9/28) was awesome. She was off all meds except Tylenol with codine every few hours and Versaid (sp?) for mild sedation when needed. She was awake and happy and acting a lot like Brynn. She was really puffy from her IV fluids, which was cool to see "chubby" Brynn! But, nice when it wore off and she looked like herself again.
Day 5 (9/29) was not as good as expected. Her temperature continued to raise, which warranted a blood test for viruses/infections. All negative...PHEW! But she still needed antibiotics/motrin to reduce the fever. Brynn was also having issues (which she had before) with throwing up. Because we were in a hospital, this was not taken lightly. She was taken off bottle feedings and put on only NG tube feeds :( Although Brynn didn't take much by mouth prior to surgery, it was something. Enough to sooth her and keep her mouth and throat from getting dry. By this point, she was awake most of the day and truly needed moisture in her mouth. It's not good when a mother has to beg for her baby to have tiny amounts of liquid just to keep her mouth wet. That was frustrating on top of the feeding and fever set backs. Still, Brynn was a champ.
Day 6 (9/30) was great because her chest tube, arterial line, and central line came out!! But so so sad because Gramma went back to Illinois :( The best part of the day was holding our baby girl again!
*******************************NOTE TO PARENTS****************************
Never ever take holding your kids for granted. No matter what age, size, or circumstance ((((hold them)))). You never know when it will be the last time they ask to be held. This week has taught me so much, made me think so much about what is important. Holding my baby in my arms, snuggling, kissing, staring at her big eyes....that is what makes me feel whole. She is laying there in a hospital bed, looking at me so sad wondering why I can't pick her up, hold her, make her feel better. MAN that is tough. Never take for granted being able to hold and kiss and smother your babies. Do it as often as possible. I mean it, now, go kiss them. Cherish that they are in the same house as you. Give extra kisses for me as I am missing my sweet Brynn unbelievably tonight. I would give anything to have her here now and absolutley CANNOT wait to have her home.
LOOK at her! This was moments after holding her for the first time in 6 days. She is just pure joy wrapped in a baby girl.
Day 7 (10/1) started awful. I got a 7am phone call that Brynn had pneumothorax. Big word meaning a pocket of air in the lining of her lung. A chest tube had to be put in on her right side. booooooooooooooooooooooo. Another poke. Another tube. Another day in the PICU heart room and not in our own room. Poor baby Brynn. Of course she was remarkable and fought through it remaining happy. I have no pics from day 7.
Day 8 (today) RULED. Off of oxygen. 2nd chest tube out. Temperature back to normal, so rectal thermomater out (poor girl had that awful thing in for week). She was back to taking bottles during the day and did not throw up!!! Not to mention she is 6 months old today!
All in all, couldn't have gone better. Her massive smiles say it all.
She even got to wear a sleeper tonight :) Anything to make us feel as back to normal as possible!
Peace, love and buy your baby a mamaroo!
~Brynn Laree~
~Brynn Laree~
"A very merry unbirthday to You!"
-Alice in Wonderland